
Saturday, September 14, 2019

STAMPtember - Day Fourteen - A Blast From My Past

So I may have mentioned the ridiculous feat I'm attempting to overhaul and redo my entire crafting stash.  It's really not something I ever should've endeavored but whatever.  So I was going through a box of stickers, and I found a card I started in 2005!!  Do you even believe this?  It was unfinished and what I had assembled was coming apart because those were still the dark days when I used the (useless) Tombow tape runner.  So I carefully took the rest of it apart and reassembled it, adding embellies and dimension because it's a different crafting world now. I'm pretty happy with the turnout.

I'm actually kind of hoping I find other started cards in the melee, it might be fun to see what I can do with them.

Just a few challenges:

Thanks so much for looking and happy stamping.  Laters!!!

1 comment:

  1. Hello Lisa
    Lovely card. Can you please pop over to Crafty Friends Challenge Blog... you were our winner of our last challenge, congratultions... here is the link

    Diane Louise
