
Friday, September 6, 2013

Princess Of Hearts - New Release With The Stamping Chef!

OFF WITH HER HEAD!  Oh wait, that's the QUEEN of Hearts....anyways I had soooo many ideas for this week's new The Stamping Chef release.  It took me a few tries to nail down my final project.  I think of her as the Queen of Hearts' daughter in waiting.

I'm not usually so undecided on a theme as I was with this card.  At first I thought to color her like Alice.  Then I thought of her being just a regular princess with no Alice or Wonderland connections at all.  In the end though, I thought of her being the daughter of the queen was kinda interesting. You know I like my projects to have stories :D

Remember that Princess of Hearts will be on sale for twenty percent off through Sunday night.  Happy crafting.  Laters!

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